The Big Hoot

The pattern on the Bone Ranger was made with a repeated pattern of mouse skeletons. It was sponsored by Birmingham University.

Presented by creative producers Wild in Art working in partnership with Birmingham Children’s Hospital, The Big Hoot brought businesses, artists, schools and the local community together to create a public art trail of stunning owl sculptures on display across Birmingham in summer 2015.

A Sign of the Times

A collaborative project with Ann Wilkinson.

A Sign of the Times is a valediction of Birmingham’s Selly Oak Hospital, reflecting on its origin as a workhouse in the 1870’s until it closed as a hospital in 2011.

Throughout its decommission from public service, we explored its history as a place of health and social care, and its eventual redundant position.

It an artist’s perspective of the institution. Developed from research into the archives and studies of the abandoned site, the result of this artist collaboration is a collage which considers the long held social values in healthcare in Britain with the ever advancing developments in medicine and technology.

The derelict space became a metaphor for the physical and psychological nature of the human condition.
The final piece of work comprises 100 individual images – painted (Ann Wilkinson) and photographic with drawings (Anne Guest)– that represent transient impressions, shards of memory, and random observations.

It is on permanent display at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.

Unnatural Selection


Based on his discovery of the comet orchid and its need for a specialist pollinator, Darwin predicted the existence of a moth 40 years before it was discovered. 150 years later, Kettlewell carried out experiments exploring ‘evolution in action’ with relation to the peppered moth and the industrial revolution. Today the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in USA is developing cyborg moths to use for surveillance and military activity. The discovery of genes and DNA has opened up many previously hidden aspects of life. These formed the basis of the unnatural selection residency at Rea Garden, Birmingham, UK and subsequent work.

Text Installations

Endless Descent

Site specific installation (text and video)

The quotes are from House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewsi

Video works